Stewardship is more than the present.
It's about our legacy.

Like our lives, our church community is a gift from God we neither earn nor deserve, and yet, it is ours. We are responsible for caring for it, for nourishing it, and for participating in the ever outpouring gift of God's grace which we share through our actions together. We are stewards of these gifts for as long as we live, and we steward the gift of this church so that future generations will have the opportunity to receive God’s grace and put it into action.

Giving of Time, Talent, and Treasure

Each of us has something precious to offer the modern Jesus Movement in the 21st century. What has God given you to share?

Annual Giving

Planned Giving


Wisdom & Skill

  • What is Annual Giving?

    St. James' ministry is heavily supported through annual financial pledges solicited each fall for the coming year. Pledging, along with regular attendance at worship, are the primary marks of membership in St. James church. Everyone is invited to make a financial pledge to our parish.

  • What is Planned Giving?

    Throughout its long and cherished history, St. James has benefited greatly from the thoughtful philanthropy of parishioners and friends. The many ministries currently provided are in direct response to needs identified within the parish, the larger community, and the wider world we serve.

    Each year, the vestry formulates an operating budget to support our ministry. The reliance on annual pledges and gifts is significant. Taking active steps to build a strong endowment – helping to ensure that St. James  meets God’s mission now and in the future – is of great importance. If you would like more information on how to make a planned gift to St. James, please contact a member of the vestry or the priest.

  • What are Volunteering & Serving?

    There are many ways to serve at St. James from assisting with Sunday Worship to planning events and taking care of our buildings and grounds. From the altar to the wider world, where are you being called to serve with St. James?

  • What are Skills & Wisdom?

    Each of us are blessed with life and professional experiences that bestow certain and unique skills we can bring to bear for our parish. Speak to Fr. Jeremy or anyone on vestry to talk more about how your talents can lift us all up!

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