Ministries & Community Outreach

Ministry can and does occur both inwardly and outwardly in Christian life. Inwardly we focus on retreats, teams, and worship groups. Outwardly we focus our attention on our community and ways to serve it better.

Ministry Teams

Do you enjoy welcoming people, assisting with communion, reading the lessons, or have you always wished you could carry the cross or preside at Morning Prayer?  Perhaps you might like to share a personal parable, reading or poem or even become a lay preacher.  These opportunities and more are available to you!  Please speak with Fr. Jeremy if you are interested in participating and sharing your talents with us.

  • Worship Team
  • Altar Guild
  • Vestry (Parish Council)
  • Singing, Music, & Taize Ministry
  • Lay Preaching
  • Reading-the-Word
  • Welcomers
  • Gardening
  • Eucharistic Ministry
  • Parish Office Volunteers
  • Parish Life / Hospitality

Community Dinners

On the fourth Friday of every month, St James hosts a community dinner from 5pm to 7pm. The food is free and open to all.

Summer Lunch Program

Interfaith Council of the Northshire

St. James Episcopal Church is a member of the Interfaith Council of the Northshire (IFC), composed of ten faith-based congregations in the northern part of Bennington County. Clergy and representatives from member houses of worship collaborate on programs and projects designed to educate, enlighten, and provide for unmet community needs. 

With mutual respect for the faith traditions of each congregation, the IFC develops community engagement and outreach efforts that include a range of programs and projects, some of which are independent but fall under its nonprofit designation. 


The IFC also hosts an annual Martin Luther King, Jr. memorial service, a Thanksgiving worship service, a biennial interfaith Passover Seder, fundraising auctions, and special events in response to community and worldwide happenings.

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