October 2023
Dear Friends in Christ,
It is with joy that we get to welcome you to 2024’s season of planned giving. The proper discernment of what to do with God’s gifts has always been a challenge and joy of the Church. Every week in our bulletin we are prompted with God’s reminder that the giving of our time, our talents, and our treasures are not an obligation, but a cultivation of God’s creations (Gen 1:26-28, Lev 27:30). We are reminded to give them over willingly, not out of compulsion but of generosity and joy (2 Cor 9:6-7), to constantly question what we find important in life, and to deepen our faith (Mt 6:19-34; Lk 12:22-35). And then we put our offerings on the altar that God may transform them and us for God’s purposes (Gen 8:20, 2 Sam 24:25, Jn 17:20-24, Rom 12:1).
In credit of those reminders:
All year in subtle and non-subtle ways we’ve talked about stewardship as more than just financial. Each Sunday we offer tokens—silent offerings of ourselves to God. And now is the time to drill back down and refocus ourselves to see what can be on our future’s horizon. This year we are attempting to raise our goal of pledged financial stewardship to match our parish’s need. We hope you will help us work towards this goal. This year we are inviting everyone to increase their pledges by 5% and aim for a $85,000 pledge goal.
This season we ask you to consider prayerfully: Where is God calling your presence? What special gifts do you have that God has given you that could benefit His mission here at Saint James. And what could your financial stewardship look like for this coming year? We invite you to pray and discern all these questions for your 2024 stewardship. You can find this year’s pledge form enclosed. Please return it by “Casting Our Net” Sunday: November 5th, followed by a festive brunch.
Fr. Jeremy Sue Claro
Priest-in-Charge Stewardship Chair
(802) 375-9952
PO Box 25, Arlington, VT 05250
Parish Office Hours:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday from 10 am to 1 pm
St James Episcopal Church is a parish of the Episcopal Diocese of Vermont and the Episcopal Church.